I'm currently building a Magento Platform where I need to echo out the total sales from individual stores on a page (Like it does on the Dashboard home screen):

Total sales per store

I've found some code in:


class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Dashboard_Totals extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Dashboard_Bar
    protected function _construct()

    protected function _prepareLayout()
        if (!Mage::helper('core')->isModuleEnabled('Mage_Reports')) {
            return $this;
        $isFilter = $this->getRequest()->getParam('store') || $this->getRequest()->getParam('website') || $this->getRequest()->getParam('group');
        $period = $this->getRequest()->getParam('period', '24h');

        /* @var $collection Mage_Reports_Model_Mysql4_Order_Collection */
        $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/order_collection')

        if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('store')) {
            $collection->addFieldToFilter('store_id', $this->getRequest()->getParam('store'));
        } else if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('website')){
            $storeIds = Mage::app()->getWebsite($this->getRequest()->getParam('website'))->getStoreIds();
            $collection->addFieldToFilter('store_id', array('in' => $storeIds));
        } else if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('group')){
            $storeIds = Mage::app()->getGroup($this->getRequest()->getParam('group'))->getStoreIds();
            $collection->addFieldToFilter('store_id', array('in' => $storeIds));
        } elseif (!$collection->isLive()) {
                array('eq' => Mage::app()->getStore(Mage_Core_Model_Store::ADMIN_CODE)->getId())


        $totals = $collection->getFirstItem();

        $this->addTotal($this->__('Revenue'), $totals->getRevenue());
        $this->addTotal($this->__('Tax'), $totals->getTax());
        $this->addTotal($this->__('Shipping'), $totals->getShipping());
        $this->addTotal($this->__('Quantity'), $totals->getQuantity()*1, true);

To where I think it 'gets' the value but I'm not sure on how I could echo this out somewhere else?

I've also looked over the net to try and find functions close to this, obviously I found a few on how to get the store ID, but nothing on how to get that stores total sales.

Any ideas appreciated greatly.


1 Answer 1


All you need is there... but you have to modify it a little bit to get what you want. Here is your datasource:

 $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/order_collection')

here is the storefilter:

$collection->addFieldToFilter('store_id', {YOUR_STORE_ID});

and here are your values from query:


    $totals = $collection->getFirstItem();

    $this->addTotal($this->__('Revenue'), $totals->getRevenue());
    $this->addTotal($this->__('Tax'), $totals->getTax());
    $this->addTotal($this->__('Shipping'), $totals->getShipping());
    $this->addTotal($this->__('Quantity'), $totals->getQuantity()*1, true);

all together it would be:

$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/order_collection')
        ->addFieldToFilter('store_id', {YOUR_STORE_ID})->load();
$totals = $collection->getFirstItem();
echo $totals->getRevenue();
  • Thanks for the reply. I've managed to echo the relevant totals. Thanks. Commented Feb 6, 2017 at 19:06

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