Back in M1 you could log the slow queries by modifying the following variables in lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php
* Write SQL debug data to file
* @var bool
protected $_debug = false;
* Minimum query duration time to be logged
* @var unknown_type
protected $_logQueryTime = 0.05;
* Log all queries (ignored minimum query duration time)
* @var bool
protected $_logAllQueries = false;
* Add to log call stack data (backtrace)
* @var bool
protected $_logCallStack = false;
* Path to SQL debug data log
* @var string
protected $_debugFile = 'var/debug/sql.txt';
So I'm wondering how can I do that in M2? I've found some interesting stuff in lib/internal/Magento/Framework/DB/Logger/LoggerAbstract
as well as lib/internal/Magento/Framework/DB/Logger/File
but I ain't 100% sure how to tackle this.