So I've got a problem that I tought was solved two weeks ago :
The reference for the soap:address location value in my XML WSDL file is wrong and it keeps changing over time because I solved the problem but today the URL was wrong again.
I don't know how I solved it the other time because I discovered it 3 days later. Maybe by clearing the caches but this today and the XMl hasn't changed.
Here is the format of the wrong URL (actual one) : "http://host/4c-multi/index.php/api/v2_soap/index/?SID=aaqi0ge6jrh1sfs1vsg6f6ofk4"
The working URL (referenced by magic two weeks ago but then changed) : "http://host/4c-multi/index.php/api/v2_soap/index/"
It bothers me because my old projects (referenced to the good WSDL file) still work but not if I refresh the Web service reference.
Thank you for your help.
System > Configuration > General > Web > Session Validation Settings > Use SID on Frontend
, what does it read? Does changing it make any difference?