My Categories are displayed in my Header Main menu. Now I want to add another link( called 'about us') after the last category in my header. I plan to create a static cms block -> in it's content put some html:

    <li class="ui-menu-item level0">
        <a href="#" class="level-top"><span>About Us</span></a>

then add this static block to the header. How can I achieve this ?

  • you need to override the **topmenu.phtml ** are you using any custom theme ? Commented Nov 25, 2016 at 5:19

3 Answers 3


Firstly you need to create static cms block about us. and add your content in content part.

Now to add that block in header follow the below steps :

  1. Create/Add new category from product/categories from admin menu.
  2. Make Sure Enable Categories menu and Include in menu is selected as enable.
  3. Click on Content tab and go to the Add CMS Block - Select your about us cms block from there.
  4. From Display settings , Select Display mode as a Statick Block only and Anchor as yes.
  5. Click on Save button and after that run the cache:clean command and check.

Screenshot for select static block : enter image description here

Screenshot of display settings :

enter image description here

Note : You can also do it same thing by overriding the respected template.


Create static block from CONTENT->BLOCKS

If you need About-Us as category link then you do not need to add from template. It would be better if you add it as category.

Go to Products->Categories

Create About-Us category

Go to the content tab from Add CMS Block select your block.

enter image description here

Go to the Display Setting from Display Mode select Static Block only

enter image description here


and what about is we have too many pages under about us. how can we tackle overflow in menu? how can we make menu Scrollable?

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