How do I remove the zoom feature on hover on the image in product view page.
This is a standard magento function apparently.
In the module Magento_Catalog
there is the jquery.zoom.min.js
Just set the magnify
property to 0.
(function ($) {
var defaults = {
url: false,
callback: false,
target: false,
duration: 120,
on: 'grab', // other options: grab, click, toggle
touch: true, // enables a touch fallback
onZoomIn: false,
onZoomOut: false,
magnify: 0
You have to override etc/view.xml
and change this code.
<var name="gallery">
<var name="allowfullscreen">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off fullscreen (true/false) -->
or you can also use this.
<var name="magnifier">
<var name="enabled">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off magnifier (true/false) -->
May be it will help you.
come with magento 2