We have a website containing 3 different stores, Norwegian , Swedish , English

The default store is the Norwegian , and we have different currency for each store , NOK , SEK , US Dollar.

When customer bought from Norwegian store , every thing is work. but when he bought from Swedish or English store , he placed the order and received the order confirmation , but we can not process the order because it shows with status : Suspected Fraud. enter image description here and we are unable to invoice or ship. when we check our bank account , we found that we received the payment as normal.

Any one has solution for this please ????

  • Which payment service are you using? Is the suspected fraud status being sent from the payment provider (such as PayPal's IPN)? Commented Nov 15, 2016 at 22:23

1 Answer 1


Does the currency exchange rate for the other countries work out correctly? If it is mismatching the actual cost, the payment provider may find it looks fraudulent. This may help - Persistent suspected fraud orders via Paypal when checking out with non-base currency.

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