I copied estimatePostAction and made estimateAjaxPostAction (overrided core - i did not hack the core). The controller action works as well (class Mage_Checkout_CartController).

Now I want to get/create a block for replace shipping block after estimate shipping with ajax. I tried this:

public function estimateAjaxPostAction()
    $country    = (string) $this->getRequest()->getParam('country_id');
    $postcode   = (string) $this->getRequest()->getParam('estimate_postcode');
    $city       = (string) $this->getRequest()->getParam('estimate_city');
    $regionId   = (string) $this->getRequest()->getParam('region_id');
    $region     = (string) $this->getRequest()->getParam('region');


    $block = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('Mage_Checkout_Block_Cart_Shipping','checkout.cart.shipping.ajax',array('template' => 'checkout/cart/shipping.phtml'));
    if($block) {
        $response = array();
        $response['shipping'] = $block->toHtml();

The block checkout.cart.shipping.ajax was created. But toHtml() returns nothing. My json returns: {"shipping":""}

Why toHtml method doesn't work?


1 Answer 1




$loadLayout = $this->loadLayout();

$block = $loadLayout->createBlock(

if($block) {
    $response = array();
    $response['shipping'] = $block->toHtml();

  • oh, you wrote description for your name, awesome boss..... Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 13:39

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