I have made a lightbox in jQuery, and I want to convert it to a module in Magento. With this module, I want a dropdown option under CMS, and be able to add galleries.

Then, I want to create a shortcode, to call these galleries inside a cms page or static block.

But I can't find any tutorial that can help me with that. I know the base of making a module, but now I want to upload images, make them into a gallery and display them on a CMS page.

If someone knows a good tutorial, I would love to hear it!

1 Answer 1


You Have to create 2 Admin grid.

  1. To add Galleries
  2. To add Images in that Galleries

From R&D i got one Extension related to above idea. (Not tested)

Then you can add custom select field in "Page Information" tab -> cms -> pages.

You can refer this Answer for that.

Edit in that answer : Instead of text we want select field. So in \local\ Sandipvaghasiya\CMS\Model\Observer.php use select field (Refer below)

$fieldset->addField('gallery', 'select', array(
          'label'     => 'gallery',
          'class'     => 'required-entry',
          'values'    => //array of galleries name,
          'name'      => 'gallery',

To get galleries name array, create function in existing model of above Image Gallery extension

Mage::getModel('[module]/[model file name]')->getNameArray()

create function getNameArray in that model file and return all gallery name array.

Note : Its a rough idea to start.

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