I need to call my custom class like below as it is done in magento 1x:

I need to Generate New Layered Navigation Menu

$viewPanel = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('catalog.leftnav')->toHtml(); 

$productList = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('product_list')->toHtml(); 

Should i use pageFactory like as:

$viewPanel= $resultPageFactory->getLayout()->createBlock('Vendor\Module\Block\Product\ListProduct');

Or use:

$viewPanel= $this->_view->getLayout()->createBlock('Tagalys\Tglcatalog\Block\Product\ListProduct');

and _view is from use Magento\Framework\View\LayoutInterface; ?

Which is correct way of calling ?


1 Answer 1


Recommended way to use $this->resultFactory. And yes, Magento itself use $this->_view but it's the old way, It was @deprecated too but when M2 GA available they just remove (@deprecated) from $this->_view.

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