I have built a custom module that will save a single stock item via REST API (similar to what is already available) - however, how would this be done with multiple stock items within the same request (like a batch update). I've tried to make the @param an /../../inventoryItem[] in my method definition in the module/api folder, but it doesn't seem to work.

I see we can't simply send an array as we could in Magento 1.

the structure would be something like

{"inventory":[{"sku"=>"some_sku", "qty"=>10}, {"sku"=>"some_sku2", "qty"=>12}]}.

If someone could lead me over this architecturally - especially with the interfaces/classes required, then that would be helpful.

I assume I'd need such classes (as below) - one for the inventory object, another for the array - but I haven't worked extensively with interfaces and having trouble defining things in a Magento way.


class InventoryObject {

    private $sku;
    private $qty;

    public function __construct($sku, $qty) {
        $this->qty = $qty;
        $this->sku = $sku;

    public function getQty(){
        return $this->qty;

    public function setQty($qty){
        $this->qty = $qty;

    public function getSku(){
        return $this->sku;

    public function setSku($sku){
        $this->sku = $sku;


class InventoryObjectArray {

    private $inventoryObject = array();

    public function __construct(InventoryObject $io) {
        $this->inventoryObject[] = $io;     

    public function setInventoryObject(InventoryObject $io) {
        $this->inventoryObject[] = $io; 

    public function getInventoryObject() {

        return $this->inventoryObject;      


then after this, I can loop through and save stock items one by one. Do I need to define this? Or just use the standard stockitem object and pass into an array?
In any case, bit confused and need assistance structuring things properly.

  • are you able to share the module - would be helpful to know how this is done :) Many thanks
    – user41939
    Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 13:50

2 Answers 2


Looks like all already ready for you in Magento.

You need only one file in your module etc/webapi.xml with content

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <route url="/V1/stockItems" method="GET">
        <service class="\Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\StockStatusRepositoryInterface" method="getList"/>
            <resource ref="Magento_CatalogInventory::cataloginventory"/>

class StockStatusRepository implements \Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\StockStatusRepositoryInterface

     * @param  \Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\Data\StockItemInterface[] $stockItems
     * @return bool
    public function batchUpdate($stockItems)
        foreach ($stockItems as $items) {
        return true; 

And all your work will be done.

  • Hi KAndy, thanks for the response but I meant loading and saving inventory in batch - not retrieving. I'll update my question so it's clearer.
    – BAF
    Commented Jun 5, 2016 at 23:13
  • Thanks KAndy, this was helpful - I will need to adapt this to update by SKU but a good start - thanks for revising answer.
    – BAF
    Commented Jun 7, 2016 at 7:38
  • @KAndy so where does the StockStatusRepository belong? And how would you call this custom endpoint? This is for modifying the stock levels so why would it be using method="GET" - should be using PUT surely?
    – ajmedway
    Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 14:25
  • Guys, is there appeared any module for this purpose?
    – Kirby
    Commented Aug 29, 2018 at 14:12

In the end i created my own stock object and declared it in the phpdoc for the API method as @param MyCo\MyClass\Api\Data\StockItems[] $stockItems.

which translates to

{stockItems:[{product_id:id, quantity:0},.. etc ..]}

I then iterated through the StockItems array, adding inventory with an injected Magento stockitem object.

It is working now at least.

  • 1
    can you please share the code what you have achieved Commented Feb 28, 2017 at 7:30
  • It would be nice to have the module! Thx in advance.
    – Kirby
    Commented Aug 29, 2018 at 14:14

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