I have added the new button in the order view page in the back-end, Now i want to when i click on the button my custom URL "www.google.com" page will open in the new window.

I am using the below code:

$this->_addButton('order_reorder', array(
              'label'     => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Generate'),
              'onclick'   => "setLocation('".$this->getUrl('CUstome URL LINK')."')"


1 Answer 1


The Magento getUrl methods are used for converting a route into a full URL including domain name. If you're attempting to link to another domain you do not need to pass it to setUrl. You can probably do something like:

$this->_addButton('order_reorder', array(
    'label'     => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Generate'),
    'onclick'   => "window.open('http://www.google.com');",

Though I'm not sure you can reliably force open a new tab cross browser.

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