quick description: I got products which are not allowed to be put online with discount. so I need to find a different solution to offer the customers the lowest price (see example from my product vieuw bellow)

My idea: I can put an extra button on the product view which will say something as: quotation or ask for special price And link it to a new / special form. Instead of the crossed AVP price with my big red price as shown on the picture bellow.

Does someone have an better idea? Or got some info what I can read to get the extra button done and or the extra form? (I am a newbie on this but if I got the right information I can make it)


1 Answer 1


Try this Extension


It will help you


Create One Yes/No Attribute and Follow this

  <!-- Call For Price - begin -->
            <?php $attribute = $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('call_for_price'); ?>
                <?php $attribute_value = $attribute ->getFrontend()->getValue($_product); ?>
                <?php if ($attribute_value == 'Yes'): ?>
                    //Please Call for pricing
                <?php else: ?>
                 // Add to cart Button Code
 <?php endif; ?>
        <!-- Call For Price - end -->
  • thank you for the fast reply. I watched the plug-in but this will remove the price and the add to card. this should not happen. it’s just optional if someone got a special price quotation from some shop so that I can give the same price on the shop. about the yes/no attribute to what file do I need to add this? as I told u I am e newbie on this. (maybe there is a tread where is described?) Commented Mar 24, 2016 at 11:07
  • I think you just need to add the attribute in your Magento backend under Catalogue > Attributes > Manage Attributes.. and then you can access it with this code
    – Robin
    Commented Mar 24, 2016 at 14:08
  • Yes you can create Catalogue > Attributes > Manage Attributes then you can use this also add form for getting details from customer end
    – Magento 2
    Commented Mar 24, 2016 at 18:01

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