I wan't to extend local extension model with this existing config.xml:


This is the file which I wan't to extend with my public function (app/code/local/Smartwave/All/Model/Core/Layout.php):

class Smartwave_All_Model_Core_Layout extends Mage_Core_Model_Layout
{ ...

Ok, now here are my extension files(app/etc/modules/SampleCompany_Test.xml):

<?xml version="1.0"?>

And my config.xml (app/code/local/SampleCompany/Test/etc/config.xml):

<?xml version="1.0"?>

And of course my Layout.php (app/code/local/SampleCompany/Test/Model/Layout.php):

class SampleCompany_Test_Model_Layout extends Smartwave_All_Model_Core_Layout
    public function myNewFunction()

I can't get this to work. Main problem is because Smartwave All is rewriting Mage/Core/Model/Layout.php core file and it is in conflict with my other extension which do the same (rewrites Layout.php). Now I wan't to extend Smartwave All instead of core Layout.php.

Thanks for any suggestions on this.

1 Answer 1


The problem here is that you're declaring your Smartwave_All models like this:


But you're doing the rewrite like this:


Where it should be:


Or the other way around you can change your models declaration like this:


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