I just noticed that order details are not being displayed on the admin side of my Magento site. Everything within the following div appears blank.
<div class="entry-edit" id="sales_order_view">
The only recent change to my site was applying SUPEE-7405 v1.1
Update: I noticed that the 'information' tab is not highlighted when I load an order, but if I click on the 'Information' link everything displays fine. I have no idea why the order information is not selected by default, especially when literally the same code running on a dev server behaves properly.
that theMage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_View_Tabs
extends. TheaddTab($tabId, $tab)
method sets the active tab based on either a tab has been declared as active or a tab comes first. You could overrideMage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_View_Tabs
and addpublic function _construct() { parent::_construct(); $this->_activeTab = "order_info"; }
to set the Information tab as active. This is just a hack, so I'd suggest looking around at how the active tab is set for better solution.