I have created a product attribute that is using an image swatch for each attribute value.

My question is how can I go about retrieving the image swatch URL from the attribute within my product view?

I am familiar with how to retrieve an attribute value but can't seem to figure out how to retrieve the image swatch.

Any help would be great.

1 Answer 1


To retrieve that value, you need the next in your block or viewModel (https://www.yireo.com/blog/1856-viewmodels-in-magento-2)


use Magento\Catalog\Helper\Data as CatalogData;
use Magento\Swatches\Helper\Data;
use Magento\Swatches\Helper\Media;


 * @var Data
private $swatchesHelper;

 * @var Media
private $swatchesHelperMedia;

 * @var CatalogData
private $catalogHelperData;


 * @return string|null
public function getSwatchImage()
    $product = $this->catalogHelperData->getProduct(); //This depends of as you want do it,but you can do it on this way
    if ($product->getSwatchAttribute()) {
        $image = $this->swatchesHelper->getSwatchesByOptionsId([$product->getSwatchAttribute()]);
        if (current($image)['value']) {
            return $this->swatchesHelperMedia->getSwatchAttributeImage('swatch_thumb', current($image)['value']);

    return null;

swatch_attribute is the attribute code.

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