I have 2 websites with 2 Store Views per website. 1 website is the 'shop' and 1 is the 'website'. 'Website' does not have cart or customer account functionality but I want to add a button "Shop now!" to the product page that links to the same product in the 'shop' and it should also be the corresponding Store View (Store Views are Swedish and English).
How can I get the link to the same product page as the product page "I'm on" but in another Store View (store id)? I have something like this in mind for the logic of it but I don't know how to finish it and I'd be really grateful for some help;
<?php if (Mage::app()->getStore()->getStoreId() == 3): ?>
<?php $product= Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId(1)->load([var product ID]); ?>
<?php echo '<a href="'.$product->getProductUrl().'">Shop now!</a>'; ?>
<?php else :?>
<?php $product= Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId(2)->load([var product ID]); ?>
<?php echo '<a href="'.$product->getProductUrl().'">Shop now!</a>'; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Thanks a bunch in advance and do let me know if I need to clarify anything in my question!