My Sub Domain Magento Site /market is taking a full min to load up.
Upon careful scrutiny of Slow Query Log File provided by Webhost, there's one query that is taking a whopping 50 secs., details below,.
SELECT * FROM `sangyugk_sm_market_quickstart`.`catalog_product_index_price_idx`;
# Time: 160204 1:13:00
# User@Host: sangyugk[sangyugk] @ localhost []
# Thread_id: 592321 Schema: Last_errno: 1160 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 50.489651 Lock_time: 0.000041 Rows_sent: 228858 Rows_examined: 228858 Rows_affected: 0 Rows_read: 228858
# Bytes_sent: 3439001
Any thoughts or comments from more experienced Magento Techies ?
Could this be the query resulting on slow load up ?
There are other numerous Slow Queries that take 5 secs +, but this one caught my attention.
Pls help..