I am importing a csv with some special characters in my CSV. and i am inserting the row values one by one through direct sql query in magento.
The raw query printed while debugging is
INSERT IGNORE INTO `custom_table` (parent_id, options_id, value, partsfinder_id) VALUES (0,1,'Motò 6.5 / Stark 650', '1')
and the code that i use to insert the data is :
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$writeAdapter = $resource->getConnection('core_write');
$sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `custom_table` (parent_id, options_id, value, partsfinder_id) VALUES (0,1,'Motò 6.5 / Stark 650', '1')";
Now the issue i face is in DB, the value Motò 6.5 / Stark 650
is not stored properly.
Only the value Mot
is stored in the field. i.e. all characters after the special characters are stripped off.
Can anyone tell me the solution for this.
Thanks in advance.