I'm having troubles patching Magento Applying patch supee-7045 failed and I searched for a solution, and I have put the .htaccess and .htaccess.sample from a clean install into my Magento folder. I've also tried to install other previous patches. Just like suggested in this article (I had the same error): SUPEE 7405 Hunk #1 failed at 171
Patches supee-5344 en supee-5994 according to applied.patches.lists are installed. So I started with installing supee-6482, since from this patch there is a patch is available. However trying to install this results in this error:
sh PATCH_SUPEE-6482_CE_1.9.2.0_v1-2015-08-03-06-51-10.sh
PATCH_SUPEE-6482_CE_1.9.2.0_v1-2015-08-03-06-51-10.sh: 14: PATCH_SUPEE-6482_CE_1.9.2.0_v1-2015-08-03-06-51-10.sh: 127: not found PATCH_SUPEE-6482_CE_1.9.2.0_v1-2015-08-03-06-51-10.sh: 14: PATCH_SUPEE-6482_CE_1.9.2.0_v1-2015-08-03-06-51-10.sh: 127: not found PATCH_SUPEE-6482_CE_1.9.2.0_v1-2015-08-03-06-51-10.sh: 25: PATCH_SUPEE-6482_CE_1.9.2.0_v1-2015-08-03-06-51-10.sh: 0: not found Checking if patch can be applied/reverted successfully... -e ERROR: Patch can't be applied/reverted successfully.
checking file app/code/core/Mage/Api/Model/Server/Adapter/Soap.php Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] Apply anyway? [n] Skipping patch. 1 out of 1 hunk ignored checking file app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Api/V2.php