I've created a module to programmatically create orders on Magento CE Everything works perfectly fine in a workbench testing script but when I attempt to execute the same code from a custom controller, it breaks when trying to set shipping method (i.e. freeshipping). The free shipping option is enabled in Magento but I feel like I should be doing something differently.
Here is my controller's class & indexAction:
class MyCompany_Api_OrderController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
public function indexAction()
$storeId = 1;
$quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')
$quote->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]');
// add product(s)
$product_sku = 'SKU1234'; // use your own sku number
echo "Product SKU: " . $product_sku . "\n";
$product_id = Mage::getModel("catalog/product")->getIdBySku( $product_sku );
echo "Product ID: " . $product_id . "\n";
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product_id);
$params = array();
$params['qty'] = 1;
$request = new Varien_Object();
$price = "19";
$quoteItem = $quote->addProduct($product, $request);
$addressData = array(
'firstname' => 'John',
'lastname' => 'Doe',
'street' => 'Sample Street 10',
'city' => 'Somewhere',
'postcode' => '123456',
'telephone' => '123456',
'country_id' => 'US',
'region_id' => 12, // id from directory_country_region table
$billingAddress = $quote->getBillingAddress()->addData($addressData);
$shippingAddress = $quote->getShippingAddress()->addData($addressData);
$shippingAddress->setFreeShipping( true )
$quote->getPayment()->importData(array('method' => 'checkmo'));
$service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $quote);
$order = $service->getOrder();
printf("Created order %s\n", $order->getIncrementId());
The only difference between this and my workbench script is that I've removed the necessary 2 lines for workbenching:
include 'app/Mage.php';
I believe I need to use Mage::getSingleton('shipping/config')->getAllCarriers somewhere before I attempt to call shipping methods but not certain. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.