I am confused understanding the correct usage of $collection->getSelect()->join(...
to bring two custom model resources together. I tried following other examples using the getSelect method. I also attempted to join the tables in the collection class _afterLoad() method. I'm stuck with errors like:
Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'machinemanager_machine_metertype.meter_type_id' in 'on clause', query was: SELECT
. FROMmachinemanager_machine_meter
INNER JOINmachinemanager_machine_metertype
ON machinemanager_machine_metertype.meter_type_id = machinemanager_machine_meter.meter_type
Here is my simple request. My model resources to join:
Mage::getModel('machinemanager/machine_meter') //main table 'meter_id' is foreign key
Mage::getModel('machinemanager/machine_metertype') //table to join
So I can understand as a simple example, I'd like to end up with $collection
as all fields of both machine_meter and machine_meter_type tables.
Could you please show me how to end up with a correct use of $collection->getSelect()->join(...
? Thank you!