I am trying to use a join query in Magento Abandoned Grid this way:

                        'abandoned_comment_history', 'main_table.customer_id=abandoned_comment_history.customer_id', array('admin_comment', 'comment_datetime', 'status'))

In my custom table abandoned_comment_history there are multiple matches with main table.customer_id & i am getting the first one but i need last one.

Is there any way to get the last match from my custom table. I searched a lot but couldn't find the solution. Hope will get here.

Description: In my table abandoned_comment_history have some data as

id customer_id admin_comment
1     2082      Test 1
2     2082      Test 2
3     2091      Hello

In main_table customer_id column is unique.


Now if i try to join & get admin_comment value i get "Test 1" but i need "Test 2"

2 Answers 2


The SQL query would have to look like this:

SELECT * FROM main_table c
    LEFT JOIN abandoned_comment_history h ON c.customer_id=h.customer_id
        SELECT customer_id, MAX(id) FROM abandoned_comment_history GROUP BY customer_id
    ) AS m ON h.id = m.id

I can't give you a solution with the Magento and Zend methods, but I would try to accomplish this query with $select->join() and a Zend_Db_Expr to use arbitrary SQL expressions.


Try this:

                        'abandoned_comment_history', 'main_table.customer_id=abandoned_comment_history.customer_id', array('admin_comment', 'comment_datetime', 'status'))

$collection->getSelect()->order('main_table.customer_id ASC');// DESC OR ASC


                        'abandoned_comment_history', 'main_table.customer_id=abandoned_comment_history.customer_id', array('admin_comment', 'comment_datetime', 'status'))

$collection->setOrder('main_table.customer_id','desc');// desc OR asc
  • Nopes, I added more details in my question. If some how i can sort by id while joining then i could get the result. Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 4:34

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