I just update my Magento to but after update i noticed that Magento import is not working. As i upload product CSV sheet thorough System --> Import/Export --> Import (method), it didn't show any error (in check data) after when click on import data then it just show loading image nothing else, when i cancel the process product are in back-end but products are not showing at front-end, also it's not asking for any indexing. I optimized the database and again create core_url, delete all logs, but any of them works.

  • Usually when the loading icon doesn't disappear, it means that the request, which does the import is finished probably with an error. Try to look at those requests in a web console to see the response. Maybe the php has just timed out or something similar is the problem.
    – Zsolti
    Commented Jan 6, 2016 at 13:34
  • web console doesn't show any error, i thought it's deadlock in tables so i clear all the logs and log tables also clear core_url, still the same problem.
    – Mace Long
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 6:02
  • Have you had a look at the log files? Magento logs in var/log/, or PHP error logs? Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 15:52
  • Use UTF-8, avoid ANSI
    – Gem
    Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 4:49

1 Answer 1


If you are in a multi website installation check you are adding your products to your website.

Also check:

  • Product visibility
  • Product status (enabled/disabled)

Make sure you are not running out of memory while importing: Set the following values for you PHP:

  • memory_limit: 512M
  • max_execution_time: 600 (remember to lower this after your test)

Also try importing ust one product and see if it works.

Check in your var/log (both Magento and PHP) to see if you have any error report.

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