I am using magento and working market place extension where special permission were provide to vendors so that Backend will be restricted to vendor but it is showing access denied. I had provided all the required permission to user and same extension worked with 1.9.1.x. Permission used in config.xml is like

                                    <title>Market Place</title>                                 
                                            <title>Pending Products</title>                                         
                                            <title>Manage Vendors</title>                                           
                                            <title>Reviews and Ratings</title>                                          
                                                    <title>Pending Reviews</title>                                                  
                                                    <title>All Reviews</title>                                                  
                                                    <title>Manage Ratings</title>                                                   
                                                    <title>Manage Types</title>                                                 
                                            <title>Market Place Section</title>

and admin routing won't break in admin login can anyone has solution to it

1 Answer 1


You need add this function below in each your Adminhtml controller:

protected function _isAllowed()
    return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('your_vendor/children_name'); // It return true/false with acl set with user

Example With your acl:

return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('vendor/orders');// with tags Orders

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