I working with dynamic event in Magento 2, i detected dynamic event call 3 times(example: customer_address_save_after
event). This problem in here because i only want run once times this dynamic event.
How to fix this issue ?
Instead of flags you can use Registry
create instance from constructor
public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\Registry $registry) {
$this->_coreRegistry = $registry;
to register
$this->_coreRegistry->register('customer_address_save_observer_executed_' . $customerAddress->getId(),true);
to get the from register weather it's executed or not? if executed just return this otherwise it will execute.
if($this->_coreRegistry->registry('customer_address_save_observer_executed_' . $customerAddress->getId()))
return $this;
You should be able to set a flag and check it before running your code.
if($flag) { //check if flag is already set
return; // return, flag is set
} else {
fn(); //your code here
$flag = true;
Flag can be a session flag or something you add to the original object and check after.
Something (pretty) similar can be found here.