I'm dealing with a Magento Store (CE 1.7) that has over 10M orders.
I am trying to get the full order list through SOAP V1 in order to extract some statistics from it, and i encounter the following problem.
When i run
$result = $soap->call($session_id, 'sales_order.list', array(array('status'=>array('eq'=>'Canceled'))));
echo "<pre>";
foreach($result as $order){
echo ($order['increment_id'])." - "; // order number
echo ($order['customer_id'])." - "; // customer number
echo ($order['billing_lastname'])." - "; // customer last name
echo ($order['grand_total']); // grand Total
echo "<br/>";
echo "</pre>";
i sucessfuly get the results (~ 1300 records).
When i try to change 'Canceled' to 'Processing', or 'eq' to 'neq' (expecting about 10M results) i get an error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
and if i print_r($result);
i get an empty string.