I have wrote a custom API server for magento (the SOAP/REST api was too slow for me) using http://code.google.com/p/phpsocketdaemon/ library and the Mage.php base class.
One of the API Method on my API server is to carry out product update in a specific way, which looks like this:
function product_update($api_data)
// Init
$product = json_decode($api_data);
$product_update_response = array();
// Load Mage
$app = Mage::app()->setCurrentStore(Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID);
// Anticipate Error
// Check If Product API Data Is Valid
if (!$product) {
throw new Exception('Failed to decode API Data.');
// Workout Website Ids
list ($retail_store_id, $trade_store_id) = $product->websites;
// Load Product Id By Sku
$mage_product_id = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getIdBySku($product->sku_code);
// Proceed If Product Exists
if ($mage_product_id)
// Parse Data
$width = floatval($product->width);
$height = floatval($product->height);
$length = floatval($product->length);
$weight = floatval($product->weight);
$pack_size = intval($product->unit_of_sale);
$retail_price = floatval($product->price);
$trade_price = floatval($product->trade_price);
// Set [Retail] Product Info
$retail_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($retail_store_id)->load($mage_product_id);
$retail_product->setPackSize($pack_size ? $pack_size : 1);
$retail_product->setStatus($product->status == 'Enabled' ? '1' : '2');
$retail_product = null;
// Set [Trade] Product Info
$trade_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($trade_store_id)->load($mage_product_id);
$trade_product->setPackSize($pack_size ? $pack_size : 1);
$trade_product->setStatus($product->status == 'Enabled' ? '1' : '2');
$trade_product = null;
// Generate Success Response
$product_update_response = array(
'status' => 'Success',
'queue_id' => $product->queue_id
// Error
throw new Exception('Product with SKU ['. $product->sku_code .'] Does Not Exists In Magento');
catch (Exception $ex)
// Generate Error Response
$product_update_response = array(
'status' => 'Error : '. $ex->getMessage(),
'queue_id' => $product->queue_id
// Clean-Up
$app = null;
// Finished
return sizeof($product_update_response) > 0 ?
json_encode($product_update_response) :
'GlobalError : Failed To Update Products - Possibly No Data Was Posted' . ' (' . __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ')';
Now, this function runs perfectly fine within the socket server. However, after a short period of time, I start getting the following error on the Mage.php base class (captured by the try,catch function):
23/09/2013 10:02:17 : [ 259 / 500 ] Error : SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
I did some searching around and there has been various "suggestions" to fixing this. Most of them involved modifying the my.cnf file to up the limiters.
However, my MySQL Server (Percona) is already optimised: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=qJcQb9HM
Can someone help me figure out why the mage base class would report (MySQL Server has gone away) - whilst it clearly hasn't (because the site is still active and working fine).
If I restart the socket server, this error will go away and everything will be back to normal for a short-while and then the error re-appears.