In order to achieve this, you need to manually add your dynamic routes to Standard-Router1 before dispatching of router happens. I will show you how you can achieve this with an example below. Using which, you can implement rest.
You need to listen to the event controller_front_init_routers
and add your routes in the observer.
File: app\code\{codePool}\{Namespace}\{Module}\etc\config.xml
Note : Important. Observer should be inside global scope.
File : app\code\{codePool}\{Namespace}\{Module}\Model\Observer.php
class Namespace_Module_Model_Observer
const DYNAMIC_FRONTNAMES = 'sytem/config/path/to/dynamic/routes';
public function addDynamicFrontnames(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
//get front controller
$front = $observer->getEvent()->getFront();
//grab request object and standard router
$request = $front->getRequest();
$standardRouter = $front->getRouter('standard');
//grab module and route info using frontname;
//note:a router with frontname 'mymodule' should be configured in your module
$drouteName = $standardRouter->getRouteByFrontName('mymodule');
$dmoduleName = $standardRouter->getModuleByFrontName('mymodule');
//get dynamic frontnames from system config section
$_dynamicFrontNames = explode(',',
//add your dynamic frontnames to standard router
foreach ($_dynamicFrontNames as $frontName) {
$standardRouter->addModule($frontName, $dmoduleName, $drouteName);
return $this;
What we are doing here is, we are using Front-Controller2 to grab Standard-Router. Then we will collect module-name and router-name using our frontName mymodule
. Then set the same module-name and router-name for every dynamic frontname which we collect from the system config section sytem/config/path/to/dynamic/routes
. So all the frontnames which you configured from system config section will just behave like mymodule
frontname here.
So along with these event setup, you are required to setup a router like this in your config.xml
Also you need to setup a system.xml
file to configure your dynamic frontnames and replace the constant DYNAMIC_FRONTNAMES
with the the right path in the observer file above.
Hope that makes sense.