How do I move the review tab on the product page?

The code to generate the tabs is found in app/design/frontend/example/shop/template/catalog/product/view.phtml

<div id="tabs" class="product-collateral toggle-content tabs">
        <?php if ($detailedInfoGroup = $this->getChildGroup('detailed_info', 'getChildHtml')):?>
            <dl id="collateral-tabs" class="collateral-tabs">
                <?php foreach ($detailedInfoGroup as $alias => $html):?>
                    <dt class="tab"><span><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($this->getChildData($alias, 'title')) ?></span></dt>
                    <dd class="tab-container">
                        <div class="tab-content"><?php echo $html ?></div>
                <?php endforeach;?>
        <?php endif; ?>

It currently looks like so:

enter image description here

this is what I'd like to achieve:

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


Try this way:

Go to your theme/layout/review.xml.

Now, find

        <reference name="product.info">
            <block type="review/product_view_list" name="product.reviews" as="reviews" template="review/product/view/list.phtml" after="additional">
                <action method="addToParentGroup"><group>detailed_info</group></action>
                <action method="setTitle" translate="value"><value>Reviews</value></action>

and change <action method="addToParentGroup"><group>detailed_info</group></action> to

<action method="addToParentGroup"><group>review_info</group></action>

See we are just replacing detailed_info to review_info.

Then go to your theme/template/catalog/view.phtml and add following code after that description code:

<div class="product-collateral toggle-content tabs">
        <?php if ($review = $this->getChildGroup('review_info', 'getChildHtml')):?>
            <dl id="collateral-tabs" class="collateral-tabs">
                <?php foreach ($review as $alias => $html):?>
                    <dt class="tab"><span><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($this->getChildData($alias, 'title')) ?></span></dt> 
                    <dd class="tab-container">
                        <div class="tab-content"><?php echo $html ?></div>
                <?php endforeach;?>
        <?php endif; ?>

I haven't tested, but should work.

Good luck.

  • I think you misunderstood the question. Please go through it once more :) Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 10:52
  • 1
    I am sure, I have understood his qst. Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 11:00
  • Yup you are right. I was the one who misinterpreted the question. I didnt see the review tab in bottom side. oops.. lol... :) Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 11:02
  • 1
    No worries Rajeev... Cheers Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 11:03

Try this.

File : app\deisign\frontend\<your_package>\<your_theme>\layout\local.xml

        <remove name="product.reviews" />

EDIT - 1

Please note this will remove review tab entirely from the product view page. I misinterpreted your question. I am leaving this answer for downvoting. Coz there is a chance to happen same misinterpretation that I had to some others. I dont want to happen and that's it.Thanks.

EDIT - 2 : To Suit to this particular question

Adharsh answer will work. Here is another approach...

Step - 1

File : app\deisign\frontend\<your_package>\<your_theme>\layout\local.xml

        <remove name="product.reviews" />
        <reference name="product.info">
            <block type="core/template" name="review_wrapper" as="review_wrapper" template="custom/review/catalog/product/wrapper.phtml">
                <block type="review/product_view_list" name="product.reviews" as="reviews" template="review/product/view/list.phtml"></block>
                <action method="setTitle" translate="value"><value>Reviews</value></action>

Here first we removed entire review block. This will remove review block from the tabs section. Then we added a new core/template block and re-declared the review block inside it. Thus core/template block is just wrapper for review block which is set with a fresh template wrapper.phtml

Step - 2

File : app\design\frontend\<your_package>\<your_theme>\template\catalog\product\view.phtml

 <div class="product-collateral toggle-content tabs">

  <!-- calling wrapper block just after the tabs section -->
 <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('review_wrapper') ?>

Here we just call our new wrapper block inside product view template.

Step - 3

File : app\design\frontend\<your_package>\<your_theme>\template\custom/review/catalog/product/wrapper.phtml

<div class="product-collateral toggle-content tabs">
        <dl id="collateral-tabs" class="collateral-tabs">
                <dt class="tab">
                    <span><?php echo $this->getTitle() ?></span>
                <dd class="tab-container">
                    <div class="tab-content"><?php echo $this->getChildHtml('reviews') ?></div>
            <?php endforeach;?>
    <?php endif; ?>

and that's it.

There are lot of solutions to do the same. We can do this programmatically too. But I love the layout way.. that is perfect in this case.

Note 1 : dont use very first layout update. it is wrong. Answer lies in the second edit.

Note 2: Didn't test this. Should work

  • 1
    You should remove or edit your answer rather than waiting for other to down vote. Like your ethics though. Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 11:15
  • you think so.. I will not remove this answer, rather gonna put another solution. :-) Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 11:16
  • If you didn't test it and you are not sure if will work then you shouldn't post this. Not helpful.
    – João M
    Commented Dec 16, 2018 at 22:43
  • @JoãoMachete Be honest,We are not here to provide the community with a bullet proof solution which works in a blink, rather educate the community to solve the issues theme self from the given answer. If you are here to get a well tested "copy pasted - Bingo it works!!" solution, then you misunderstood how the stack exchange works. Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 7:07

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