I am following the book: Getting Started with Magento Extension Development. And I'm unable to make my extension echoing "Hello World".
I believed there are 3 area I need to take care:
active the module from
.File: app/code/community/Froggyline/HappyHour/etc/config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <modules> <Froggyline_HappyHour> <version>0.0.0</version> </Froggyline_HappyHour> </modules> <frontend> <routers> <froggyline_happyhour> <use>standard</use> <args> <module>Froggyline_Happyhour</module> <frontName>happyhour</frontName> </args> </froggyline_happyhour> </routers> </frontend> </config>
FILE: app/code/community/Froggyline/HappyHour/controller/GreetingController.php
<?php class Froggyline_HappyHour_GreetingController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action { public function helloWorldAction() { echo 'Hello World'; } } ?>
I am visiting the following URL: http://localhost/happyhour/greeting/helloWorld
and receive Http 404
Which step did I miss, so that the page will display "Hello World"?
suppose to becontrollers
... Just wasted my day debugging this... Disapointed with the official book. I will give credit to this answer: magento.stackexchange.com/a/68571/26421