I generated a sitemap from magento admin panel -
caralog -> google sitemap
There are many links in my site which are not included, like
It seems only the links ending with .html
are generated in sitemap.xml file, because all links in sitemap.xml are ending with .html
Also the product sitemap only have url links which are enabled
and whose visibility is Catalog, search
. These filter are present in /app/code/core/Mage/Sitemap/Model/Resource/Catalog/Product.php
file on line numbers 164 and 165 :
$this->_addFilter($storeId, 'visibility', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_visibility')->getVisibleInSiteIds(), 'in');
$this->_addFilter($storeId, 'status', Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_status')->getVisibleStatusIds(), 'in');
I would like to know is this is the way sitemaps are generated? or should it include all the URL's present in magento website, including all products.