I have a custom module that I need to update adding a couple of columns in one of the tables. The task is very easy but for some reason Magento is adding a prefix on my table name. Let me show you.
My upgrade script is as follows:
$installer = $this;
$installer->getTable('invent_feedbanners/imagen'), 'inicia', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DATETIME, null, array(
), 'Inicia');
$installer->getTable('invent_feedbanners/imagen'), 'termina', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DATETIME, null, array(
), 'Termina');
When the upgrade runs Magento reports an error like this: - SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table '255.invent_feedbanners_imagen' doesn't exist"
The name of the table is invent_feedbanners_imagen. Where does the 255 name comes from??. My installation doesnt have any prefix.
This has been breaking my head for the last 5 hours. I'm stuck on this. If somebody could help me I will appreciate it alot.
Kind Regards!
of your module?