What is Recurring Profiles in magento and how to active Recurring Profiles ?

1 Answer 1


Recurring profiles in Magento allow you to create a subscription product on a set period. More information can be found on Magento wiki: http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/working-with-recurring-profiles

One important thing to note about recurring profiles is that they are a feature considered beta in a few ways. For instance you can't add a recurring profile product (Magento calls them nominal) to the cart with any other products. This limits the customer journey. See this fun comment by the Magento team: https://github.com/OpenMage/magento-mirror/blob/magento-1.9/app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php#L935

Additionally using a coupon code on a recurring profile product is not fully coded in Magento. There is some work that a developer needs to do to support the display of the discount line.

Knowing these nuances prior to getting started with recurring profiles will save you time.

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