My situation is the opposite of this question... and my version is
When creating a new order in the back end for phone orders, we're finding that the "Same As Billing Address" tickbox is always checked. My shipping staff are sometimes shipping orders incorrectly due to this because somehow, the shipping address actually isn't the billing address.
Of course, I tried editing app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/create/form/address.phtml on line 67 to remove <?php if($this->getIsAsBilling()): ?>checked<?php endif; ?>
from the checkbox, but that is absolutely not the solution. :P Yes, the form then comes up NOT checked, but if you then check it, it stays cleared when it should now be changed.
Which makes me think I am looking at the symptom and the problem is elsewhere.
Help, please, in finding a way to uncheck that box at the beginning of the order?