I have a custom model and I want to add a validation in the _beforeSave() method so that if it's a new object, and no customer_id has been set, it shouldn't save the record at all. I did the validations on my pages but that doesn't keep other developers from doing something like:

$myModel = Mage::getModel("myModule/myModel");

This shouldn't happen because some values must be set before saving. I want something like:

public function _beforeSave()
    if($this->getCustomerId() <= 0)
         #cancel save

    return $this;

Can I cancel the save() method?


1 Answer 1


hi need to throw a magento exception when match you logic

or set variable $_dataSaveAllowed=true

and set if false when before logic is match with cancel condition


and note that you need call parent::_beforesave() after condition check

protected function _beforeSave()
        $this->_dataSaveAllowed = true;

    if($this->getCustomerId() <= 0)
         #cancel save
          $this->_dataSaveAllowed = false;

    return parent::_beforeSave();

Just like

 throw Mage::exception(
                'Mage_Customer', Mage::helper('customer')->__('This customer email already exists'),

See some brief description

How prevent a model data save using _save_before event

  • Hey, thanks man. I thought about throwing an exception but I went with $_dataSaveAllowed=false. This model isn't exactly an important one and I did not want to throw a nasty exception. You can go ahead and mark this question as a duplicate though, I did not find yours first.
    – Vic
    Commented Oct 3, 2014 at 17:54

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