The scenario : I am trying to register adress information such as phone, company name , etc via ajax using the youama ajax login/registration module. Right now only email, names, password seem to be posted. I am almost there but there must be doing something wrong in this the Model file: Ajaxregister.php
I took example from inchoo recent post:
It says that it should use Mage::getModel('customer/address') for adress data, and not Mage::getModel('customer/customer').
However I tryed and it does not post any phone/company name in the DB.
Here is the code below:
class Youama_Ajaxlogin_Model_Ajaxregister
extends Youama_Ajaxlogin_Model_Validator
* Init.
public function _construct()
// Result for Javascript
$this->_result = '';
$this->_userId = -1;
// Terms and conditions has been accepted
if ($_POST['licence'] == 'ok') {
// If this email is already exist
if ($this->isEmailExist()) {
$this->_result .= 'emailisexist,';
// If this email is not exist yet.
} else {
$this->setPassword($_POST['password'], $_POST['passwordsecond']);
$this->setName($_POST['firstname'], $_POST['lastname']);
// If there are no errors
if ($this->_result == '') {
// Try register user
// Try subscribe user to newsletter
if ($this->_userNewsletter == true) {
// Terms and conditions has not been accepted
} else {
$this->_result = 'nolicence,';
* Register user via Mage's API.
protected function _registerUser()
// Empty customer object
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');
$address = Mage::getModel('customer/address');
// Set customer
// Try create customer
try {
$storeId = $customer->getSendemailStoreId();
$customer->sendNewAccountEmail('registered', '', $storeId);
$this->_userId = $customer->getId();
$this->_result = 'success';
// Error by injected HTML/JS
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->_result .= 'frontendhackerror,';