I am trying to alert the user that they have not added a postcode into their session when clicking "Add to cart"

I have created a mixin, "catalog-add-to-cart-mixin.js" within my custom module.

The issue that I am having is the variable "quote" is undefined.

How can I pass through the Magento_Checkout/js/model/quote shipping address to the submitForm function to be able to see if there is a postcode or not?

Here is my code:

], function($, $t, ui, quote, modal) {
    "use strict";

    return function (widget) {

        $.widget('mage.catalogAddToCart', widget, {
            submitForm: function (quote, form) {
                var postcode = quote.shippingAddress().postcode;



                if(!quote.shippingAddress()) {
                } else {

            showModal: function(form) {
                console.log('show modal');


        return $.mage.catalogAddToCart;

I am open to options.

1 Answer 1


For my case, it was this block

<referenceBlock name=""checkout.cart.shipping"" remove=""true""/>

I removed that line and I overwrote shipping.phtml on my theme to remove the shipping address and to keep the checkoutConfig and the JavaScript

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