I having an issue with create custom origin it doesn't seem to be reading .env file from my project folder but I have a .env file and it's all set.
Create Project REF: https://magento.github.io/pwa-studio/pwa-buildpack/reference/buildpack-cli/create-project/
yarn buildpack create-custom-origin package/custom-pwa
$ /Users/juliano/Sites/pwa-sites/pwa-studio/node_modules/.bin/buildpack create-custom-origin package/custom-pwa ⓧ Missing required environment variables: MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL: Connect to an instance of Magento 2.3 by specifying its public domain name. (eg. "https://master-7rqtwti-mfwmkrjfqvbjk.us-4.magentosite.cloud/") CHECKOUT_BRAINTREE_TOKEN: Specify a Braintree API token to direct the Venia storefront to communicate with your Braintree instance. You can find this value in Braintree's Control Panel under Settings > API Keys > Tokenization Keys. (eg. "sandbox_8yrzsvtm_s2bg8fs563crhqzk") ⓧ Error: Missing required environment variables: MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL: Connect to an instance of Magento 2.3 by specifying its public domain name. (eg. "https://master-7rqtwti-mfwmkrjfqvbjk.us-4.magentosite.cloud/") CHECKOUT_BRAINTREE_TOKEN: Specify a Braintree API token to direct the Venia storefront to communicate with your Braintree instance. You can find this value in Braintree's Control Panel under Settings > API Keys > Tokenization Keys. (eg. "sandbox_8yrzsvtm_s2bg8fs563crhqzk") ⓧ Error: Error: Missing required environment variables: MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL: Connect to an instance of Magento 2.3 by specifying its public domain name. (eg. "https://master-7rqtwti-mfwmkrjfqvbjk.us-4.magentosite.cloud/") CHECKOUT_BRAINTREE_TOKEN: Specify a Braintree API token to direct the Venia storefront to communicate with your Braintree instance. You can find this value in Braintree's Control Panel under Settings > API Keys > Tokenization Keys. (eg. "sandbox_8yrzsvtm_s2bg8fs563crhqzk")
All of the above is specified in inside project package/custom-pwa/.env
any ideas what could be ?