I have the new paypoint module installed and it appears to be working, it can be configured and chosen as a payment option using the hosted method.

However, once the "place order" button is pressed and one would expect it to redirect to paypoint for payment, it just goes to a blank page with url/paypointgateway/hosted/redirect/ and sits there.

There is nothing in the paypoint log, the magento log or the apache log.


In answer to the comment, the redirctAction is:

public function redirectAction() {
  return parent::_redirect_action(__METHOD__);

And the parent is:

protected function _redirect_action($child_method) {
     $html = 
                array('paymentMethodInstance' => $this->_getPaymentMethodInstance())

So I'll look into the layout file.


Ok, have narrowed it down to this part returning nothing, well, a zero length string.:

$html = 
                array('paymentMethodInstance' => $this->_getPaymentMethodInstance())

Note also that $this->_redirectBlock (a string) and $this->_getPaymentMethodInstance() (an object) are non-empty.

  • Check what the method redirectAction() from the HoesteController is supposed to do. Maybe there is something wrong with it. If all it does is loadLayout()->renderLayout() it might be something wrong with your layout file.
    – Marius
    Commented Apr 22, 2013 at 10:42
  • well...the _redirect_action method seams like a good place to start debugging. According to the code you updated a block should be created and displayed. Check to see what class is that block ($this->_redirectBlock), see if the class exists, and what it should do.
    – Marius
    Commented Apr 22, 2013 at 11:10
  • Thanks... the redirect block is paypointgateway/redirect_hostedredirect as set in the first controller. This seems to point to PayPoint_Gateway_Block_Redirect_Hostedredirect which sets a $_redirect_form_id only, but extends a block which has a _toHtml which returns the html for a page with an auto-submitting form. Commented Apr 22, 2013 at 11:20
  • Seams right. You say there is nothing in the Magento log, but is the log enabled? If it is then I'm out of ideas. Sorry.
    – Marius
    Commented Apr 22, 2013 at 11:36
  • @marius essentially the _toHtml() function is not being called from the PayPoint_Common_Block_Redirect_Hostedredirect file. Any thoughts on this? The file is being loaded, but that function not run. Commented Apr 22, 2013 at 15:41

1 Answer 1


Seams like the suggestions in the comments were on the right track. Maybe they can serve someone as steps to check in a similar issue:

  • Check what the method redirectAction() from the HoesteController is supposed to do. Maybe there is something wrong with it. If all it does is loadLayout()->renderLayout() it might be something wrong with your layout file
  • If the block is a child of class Mage_Core_Block_Template and _toHtml() does not have any output, could be because there is no template set for the block.

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