How can I change the format of the price in the frontend for the Arabic store?

Eg:د.إ.‏ 1٬486٫00 to د.إ.‏ 1٬486.00

instead of, I need to change with.

2 Answers 2


Evaluate to edit this file:


Zend Locale definition are defined base on an international standard: perhaps evaluate if this is really necessary.

More information: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/


To solve the Eg:د.إ.‏ 1٬486٫00 to د.إ.‏ 1٬486.00

Open the file lib/Zend/Locale/Data/ar.xml and search by RLM and replace , with .

    <symbols numberSystem="arab">
        <plusSign>‏+</plusSign> <!-- includes RLM before sign -->
        <minusSign>‏-</minusSign> <!-- includes RLM before sign (002D) -->
        <superscriptingExponent draft="contributed">×</superscriptingExponent>
        <nan>ليس رقم</nan>

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