How can I change the format of the price in the frontend for the Arabic store?
Eg:د.إ. 1٬486٫00 to د.إ. 1٬486.00
instead of, I need to change with.
Evaluate to edit this file:
Zend Locale definition are defined base on an international standard: perhaps evaluate if this is really necessary.
More information:
To solve the Eg:د.إ. 1٬486٫00 to د.إ. 1٬486.00
Open the file lib/Zend/Locale/Data/ar.xml and search by RLM and replace , with .
<symbols numberSystem="arab">
<plusSign>+</plusSign> <!-- includes RLM before sign -->
<minusSign>-</minusSign> <!-- includes RLM before sign (002D) -->
<superscriptingExponent draft="contributed">×</superscriptingExponent>
<nan>ليس رقم</nan>