My question is pretty straight forward. I have JS component (an AMD module that extends from uiComponent) and I know I can make a property observable by specifying the tracks object in the defaults object for e.g.

defaults: { myProeperty: "Some Value", tracks: { myProperty: true }}

I wish now to subscribe to that change. For example execute a console.log every time myProperty value changes. How do I do that?

1 Answer 1


A Variable will be subscribed when it's type observable ko.observable

Your code will be like:

    myProeperty = ko.observable(false),
    defaults: {
        myProeperty: "Some Value",
        tracks: {
            myProperty: true
    initialize: function() {
        self = this;
        this.myProeperty.subscribe(function(newValue) {


  • Thank you for your answer. Is there another way though? Another object in the defaults configuration? smth like subscribe { myProperty : myFunc } or anything that does not require to extend the initialize method? Commented Dec 8, 2019 at 8:37
  • I think you could use the import node. Commented Dec 8, 2019 at 8:41

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