This is the usual way to get customerData on frontend.
], function (Component, customerData) {
'use strict';
return Component.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.firstname = customerData.get('customer')().firstname;
Problem: oth the first load of the page, when mage-cache-storage in local storage is cleared, customerData.get('customer')().firstname
returns undefined. And at this moment, request to server is sent, but js doesn't wait for the response, and the variable is undefined.
I guess it has to be done asynchronously. But how to do it correctly?
I have found these stack questions, but the solutions are the same as mine. Am I missing something?
How to call customerData js in phtml on a specific page after page load
Magento2 RequireJS CustomerData is empty at page load, but populated once page finishes loading?
GitHub: Magento_Customer/js/customer-data empty on the first page after login
Edit 1:
subscribe works, but it is executed after knockout.
var customer = customerData.get('customer');
customer.subscribe(function (customer) {
}, this);