I would like to list all attributes options that our products don't use. I prefer to use SQL to do that to learn how to work with it.
Right now I use this query to get the ID of my attributes
select * from eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'color_shoes';
After I list all the attributes options with this query.
select *
from eav_attribute_option eao
join eav_attribute_option_value eaov on eao.option_id = eaov.option_id
where attribute_id = 2294
and eaov.store_id = 1;
It's here where I don't know to fetch all products based on the current list of attributes options.
What is the relation between EAV tables and Catalog products? right now in the 'catalog_product_entity' table, I have an ATTRIBUTE_ID column but there's no product with attribute_id = 2294.
Someone have hint where i need to look for?