A few weeks ago some clients were uploading pdf files, and when they added to the cart, showed them an error the file is invalid,this is a lie, because it was upload a file with pdf extension.

here a one image show the js file enter image description here

and this is the error what magento show me enter image description here

so what i do for fix this error

1 Answer 1


See the issue discussed here... This is not you, it's the MSP_ReCaptcha module. The two possible fixes are 1) disable the two modules Paypal_ReCaptcha and MSP_Recaptcha if you don't use them, or 2) Overwrite the file in your theme.

Create a file in your theme at app/design/<vendor>/<theme>/MSP_ReCaptcha/web/js/reCaptcha.js

Copy over the contents from vendor/msp/recaptcha/view/frontend/web/js/reCaptcha.js

Change line 70 so it reads ((this.settings) && (this.settings.lang) ? '&hl=' + this.settings.lang : '&hl=en');

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