I like to design my own skin of the website. I created 2 new folders with the name examplefolder in the directory, the path is:

1) app/design/frontend/default/examplefolder 2) skin/frontend/default/exmaplefolder

In the configs->design->Themes->standart I put my folder (examplefolder).

In the frontend my website should appear only in text. No formattings.

But this not works, there is no ajustment to my modification. I cleard the caches in magento and in the browser.

Has anyone an idea whats wrong ?

Many thanks for reply

Thanks but it still does not work. I can adjust the config as you mentioned. But all of my changes I try to do in the folder comicworld (see picture) has no affect to the fronted. I try to change again the current Package Name to comicworld but the following mistake message appeared: magento theme package with this name does not exist and cannot be set.

Thanks for further assistance enter image description here

1 Answer 1

Go to System > Configuration > Design > Pacage and System > Configuration > Design > Pacage

enter image description here

  • up vote 0 down vote accept Thanks but it still does not work. I can adjust the config as you mentioned. But all of my changes I try to do in the folder comicworld (see picture) has no affect to the fronted. I try to change again the current Package Name to comicworld but the following mistake message appeared: magento theme package with this name does not exist and cannot be set. Thanks for further assistance
    – Fanky
    Commented Aug 3, 2014 at 14:59

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