I know direct SQL query is not good practice, but I need to insert product using direct SQL query.
Also they do not want to use REST API for that.
Anyone has SQL queries to create a simple product with all the fields.
what fields of product you want to insert?– Amit Bera ♦Commented Jul 26, 2019 at 3:55
2 Answers
Magento using EAV Structure for store product data. So, using single query it quit impossible or direct query, save product data, not possible.
There are a lot of tables and lots of related tables has used to save data for the product. So my suggestions to avoid the idea of using query save a product full data at the database, if you are new at Magento.
If you have talked about a single field/attribute save of this might be easy to answer. But you must have an idea of EAV data pattern.
This query can help you out
- insert new product
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity
, attribute_set_id
, type_id
, sku
, has_options
, required_options
, created_at
, updated_at
) VALUES (NULL, '4', 'simple', 'my-sku-test', '0', '0', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
[get entity id of new product]
- Set status of new product using entity_id
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_int
, attribute_id
, store_id
, entity_id
, value
) VALUES (NULL, '97', '1', '17', '1');
- Set visibility of product using entity_id
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_int
, attribute_id
, store_id
, entity_id
, value
) VALUES (NULL, '99', '0', '17', '4')
- Set tax_class_id of product
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_int
, attribute_id
, store_id
, entity_id
, value
) VALUES (NULL, '134', '0', '17', '0')
- Set filter_price_range of product
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_decimal
, attribute_id
, store_id
, entity_id
, value
) VALUES (NULL, '77', '0', '17', '100');
- Set weight of product
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_decimal
, attribute_id
, store_id
, entity_id
, value
) VALUES (NULL, '82', '0', '17', '10')
- Set quantity of product
INSERT INTO cataloginventory_stock_item
, product_id
, stock_id
, qty
, min_qty
, use_config_min_qty
, is_qty_decimal
, backorders
, use_config_backorders
, min_sale_qty
, use_config_min_sale_qty
, max_sale_qty
, use_config_max_sale_qty
, is_in_stock
, low_stock_date
, notify_stock_qty
, use_config_notify_stock_qty
, manage_stock
, use_config_manage_stock
, stock_status_changed_auto
, use_config_qty_increments
, qty_increments
, use_config_enable_qty_inc
, enable_qty_increments
, is_decimal_divided
, website_id
) VALUES (NULL, '17', '1', '1000', '0.0000', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1.0000', '1', '0.0000', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0.0000', '1', '0', '0', '0');
- Set name of product
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_varchar
, attribute_id
, store_id
, entity_id
, value
) VALUES (NULL, '73', '0', '17', 'my-sku-test');
- Set url of product
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_varchar
, attribute_id
, store_id
, entity_id
, value
) VALUES (NULL, '121', '0', '17', 'my-sku-test');