I have below result:

echo "<pre>";
print_r($data); die();


Zend\Stdlib\Parameters Object
    [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array
            [success_url] =>  
            [error_url] =>  
            [company_name] => fdgdg
            [name] =>  fgfdg
            [email] => 
            [telephone] =>  dfgdf
            [address] =>  gdfg
            [city] =>  
            [state] =>  
            [zipcode] =>  
            [industry] =>  
            [how_did_you_here] =>  


I want to access only array?

  • I got the answer. get_object_vars($data)
    – Ravi Soni
    Commented May 29, 2019 at 11:14
  • Please add this as an answer and accept it so other may get help @Ravi Commented May 29, 2019 at 11:17

1 Answer 1


I used below php function:


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