It is possible to create a controller and return a Json from it that you can process on success.
An example :
JS file
var responseajax = $.ajax({
url: action,
data: formData,
dataType: 'json'
Note that you can build an url with the urlBuilder :
Include the urlbuilder like this :
function ($, url) {
var url='path/to/controller');
Your controller will need to return a json
public function __construct(
Context $context,
JsonFactory $jsonFactory,
Data $jsonHelper,
$this->_jsonFactory = $jsonFactory;
$this->_jsonHelper = $jsonHelper;
public function execute(){
$arraydata = your array data
return $this->_jsonFactory->create()->setJsonData($this->_jsonHelper->jsonEncode($arraydata ));
And after that just process the data with your JS
responseajax.success(function (response) {
response is your json array or Object
This answer is based on the fact that you know how to create a basic route and controller.