I have stuck with this. I am trying to override sales/ order model _saveafter function with my custom module. I have the following code
class Rkt_SalesNew_Model_Order extends Mage_Sales_Model_Abstract
protected function _afterSave()
if (null !== $this->_addresses) {
$billingAddress = $this->getBillingAddress();
$attributesForSave = array();
if ($billingAddress && $this->getBillingAddressId() != $billingAddress->getId()) {
$attributesForSave[] = 'billing_address_id';
$shippingAddress = $this->getShippingAddress();
if ($shippingAddress && $this->getShippigAddressId() != $shippingAddress->getId()) {
$attributesForSave[] = 'shipping_address_id';
if (!empty($attributesForSave)) {
$this->_getResource()->saveAttribute($this, $attributesForSave);
if (null !== $this->_items) {
if (null !== $this->_payments) {
if (null !== $this->_statusHistory) {
foreach ($this->getRelatedObjects() as $object) {
return parent::_afterSave();
I am unable to override this function. Can any one please help me out.