I will tell what i have done till now.

I have made a custom module to override the


file and its working fine.

I am able to get sku, name, price in the invoice pdf in any location. Now i am trying to get the product object inside it to get custom attribute values.

Most of the tutorials i found is advised to use objectmanager that i am not interested in looking into. Rather i need to include those via factory or repository.

my question is how we can get product object inside model file(for example defaultinvoice.php file).

Please advise.

1 Answer 1


ProductRepository dependency injection Method: Need to rewrite this file (DefaultInvoice.php) in app/code..


Add bellow code before \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\AbstractResource $resource = null,

\Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductRepository $productRepository,

and after $this->string = $string; add

$this->_productRepository = $productRepository;

Before the function public function draw() put

 public function getProductById($id)
    return $this->_productRepository->getById($id);

Then you can call the function getProductById by passing the product id. passing SKU is another method.

Load the product id from $item

$ProductId = $item->getOrderItem()->getProductId();

then calling product collection function

$product = $this->getProductById($ProductId);

By using the $product collection. i have get the product custom attribute value

 $SizeUnit = '';
            if (strtolower($option['label']) == strtolower($product->getLengthName()))
                $SizeUnit = ' ' . $product->getResource()->getAttribute('size_units')->getFrontend()->getValue($product);

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